The Agrimodels Cluster meets in Brussels

On 23 May 2022, the three sister projects BESTMAP, MIND STEP and AGRICORE that form the Agrimodels Cluster, gathered for a joint meeting with the DG AGRI in Brussels, Belgium.

The purpose of the gathering was to update the DG AGRI representatives on the current results of each member of the Cluster, as well as to discuss further tasks, challenges and potential collaboration. In particular, the workshop focused on the data, modelling and policy perspectives  of DG AGRI and the immediate way to meet them. BESTMAP was represented by the project’s coordinator Prof. Guy Ziv from the University of Leeds, UK, with an informative presentation on the recent progress and achievements of the project. 

The past two years have been challenging for the project and the Cluster, as the COVID-19 pandemic brought an extensive number of limitations, however, with the collaborative effort from the whole BESTMAP team, the project managed to achieve a great number of results and to receive a positive feedback from DG AGRI. 

Keep posted for further insights from the meeting and exciting news from the Agrimodels Cluster.