New BESTMAP Paper Reveals Cross-Regional Insights on Agri-Environmental Schemes in Europe

In a recent publication in the People and Nature journal, the latest BESTMAP paper presents fresh insights from a research project titled "Adoption and Potеntial of Agri-Enviornmental Schemes in Europe: Cross-Regional Evidence from Interviews with Farmers." This study presents a collaborative effort involving members of the BESTMAP consortium, inlcuding the University of Leeds, Palacký University Olomouc, CREAF, BioSense Institute, UFZ and  Technical University of Dresden.

Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES) serve as a global tool to mitigate the environmental impact of agriculture, with a special focus on Europe. This research takes a holistic approach, transcending conventional case studies and structured surveys to provide a comprehensive view that encompasses diverse regions and cultures.

This study covers a range of five different regions, including Humber in the UK, Catalonia in Spain, Mulde river basin in Germany, South Moravia in Czechia, and Bačka in Serbia.


Beyond the fundamental question of why farmers choose to adopt AES, this study delves in the often-overlooked field of implementation decisions and their ecological consequences.

The research's findings reveal a consistent driver for AES adoption across regions - the delicate balance of opportunity costs and payment levels. Yet, this pattern can unintentionally lead to negative ecological repercussions, as farmers may prioritize marginal land or opt for non-additional AES practices.

Moreover, regional distinctions emerge, with factors like tenure relations and ecological reasoning varying across regions, molding AES choices in distinct ways.

For a deeper understanding of the potential benefits that AES could bring and how it may pave the way for sustainable changes, you can read the full article here