#BESTMAP_CaseStudies: The new social media campaign that focuses on the adoption of Agri-Envrionmental Schemes across Europe


A recent study conducted in five BESTMAP case study regions sheds light on farmers' views on agricultural policy instruments. The study, encompassing Humber region in UK, Catalonia in Spain, the Mulde region in Germany, South Moravia in the Czech Republic and Bačka region in Serbia, aimed to understand farmers' perspectives across various policy landscapes.

One noteworthy aspect of the study is its inclusion of Serbia, a country that is not yet an EU member. In Serbia, there are no Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES) or analogous policy instruments. This inclusion provides a valuable glimpse into how farmers in a region without path dependencies related to historical policy implementaion view such instruments.

In contrast, the UK which was an EU member until 2020, boasts a rich history of AES. Even after Brexit, AES continues to shape agricultural practices in the UK. This historical context offers insights into how farmers adapt and perceive these instruments outside the EU's Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

Against this background, BESTMAP brought to life the project's latest social media campaign #BESTMAP_CaseStudies. The campaign is inspired by the project-derived research paper 'Adoption and Potential of Agri-Environmental Schemes in Europe: Cross-Regional Evidence from Interviews with Farmers' and aims to introduce these five regions to the public.

Through this campaign, one will be able to better understand the agricultural landscapes and policy needs within the case study regions. Moreover, as the project is progressing, we will match each region with the recently developed BESTMAP policy briefs, which provide detailed insights into the specific policy and decision making needs and recommendations for each respective region.

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